Wednesday, September 18, 2013


  Nancy Allen - President
If you could take a fresh look at leadership through the lens of a simplified model that results in greater success, would you be interested?  If you answered a resounding yes, then I want to offer you a snapshot of the VAE MODEL from the book: “THE WORK OF LEADERS”.

The VAE MODEL: Vision, Alignment and Execution

Vision: Examples include, Remaining Open, Being Adventurous, and Exploring Implications.

Alignment: Examples include Explaining Rationale, Being Receptive, and Being Encouraging.

Execution: Examples include, Being Driven, Providing a Plan and Addressing Problems.

The Main Benefit of the VAE MODEL is that it lays out an easy to manage framework to guide the leadership process and provides clear explanations of where you might want to focus your professional development and personal efforts.

“Too often leadership books focus exclusively on crafting a vision and obtaining consensus without talking about how to implement the vision. This book nails all three: vision, alignment, and execution.”

—BEN SNYDER, CEO, Systemation

“I worked with the authors for nearly ten years and their powerful model not only helps leaders articulate a clear vision, it drives organizational alignment and flawless execution.”

—KRISTIN NEWHALL, partner, Riverside Company

To learn more, about “THE WORK OF LEADERS” Join us in Atlanta on Sept 26 to hear nationally recognized co-author Julie Straw share in depth details and case studies about Contemporary Leadership.

To Register: Call or Email us: 770- 449-5350
Friday, August 16, 2013

Mark Your Calendars to find out more about this book and the DiSC Assessment that it is based on.

Mark Your Calendars to find out more about this book and the DiSC Assessment that it is based on.

The Work of Leaders Author Events with co-author Julie Straw


The Work of Leaders: How Vision, Alignment, and Execution will Change the Way You Lead was written to help you attract more Everything DiSC clients by raising the awareness of the Work of Leaders model and the Everything DiSC product line. To further the awareness, we've designed Author Events to help you spread the word.

The Work of Leaders co-author Julie Straw will bring leadership lessons from The Work of Leaders book to life, and give participants a high-level overview of the Work of Leaders model of Vision, Alignment, and Execution. Each participant will receive their own copy of The Work of Leaders ($24.95) and will be able to have their book signed by Julie.                                   

Events have been scheduled for the following cities.   
Dallas, TX: September 13, 20                                               
Minneapolis, MN: September 17, 2013
Atlanta, GA: September 26, 2013 (To be held in the morning)**  8:30 – 10:00 A.M.
Oak Ridge, TN: October 1, 2013
Vienna, VA: October 8, 2013
King of Prussia, PA: October 9, 2013

** Contact Nancy Allen to Register for the Atlanta Session 

Cost $15.00 
Call: 770-449-5350 or Email:
The Deadline to Register is September 10th.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

News About The Royal Baby

News About The Royal Baby

Nancy Allen - Author

Given the News about the Royal Baby, I thought I’d suggest how each DiSC Style may have responded to this News. 

For instance, the Influential DiSC Style may have organized a Block Party, or Cookout designed specifically to celebrate the Royals New Baby.  This party - hearty idea is so perfect for this Style because they love to connect, collaborate and chat enthusiastically with others.

The Dominant DiSC Style, may have considered the News for a moment and then moved on to the next goal they needed to complete. Or, they may have gone to a cocktail party for a “short and sweet” gathering and the celebration would have needed to be quick.

The Conscientous DiSC Style may have made a list of all the great facts about the Royal Baby and the influences he will bring to the world. As long as these facts felt right and accurate this Style may have shared his list with friends, especially if he thought his friends might show appreciation for these factoids.

The Steady DiSC Style may grab a loved one and watch the beautiful sunset, while enjoying their favorite munchies in celebration of the News.  Keeping a celebration plan simple, familiar and comfortable is very satisfying to this Style.

Where do you fit in?  We’d love to hear back from you.

To learn more about what DiSC Assessments can do for your organization,

Contact us at