Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Are Outstanding Leaders
also Good Sales People?
When I think about the
Leaders I’ve Coached and Mentored over the years, I’ve noticed five
distinctions that clearly separate Good Leaders from Outstanding Leaders.
And I noticed that
Sales People share these five distinctions, as well.
Persuasion -
The ability to persuade or convince others about the benefits of moving forward
with an idea, or action is a key sales skill. A salesman tries to convince you of the value of what he’s promoting. A leader believes
personally in the value of what he’s promoting and if he is effective, he
will persuade you that it is in your best interest to value it, too.
Rapport - Effective Salesmanship
requires a mirroring of the team, group or decision maker in order to
strengthen rapport which is the first step in building a strong relationship. Rapport
is the glue that helps Company Teams and Employees feel good about their commitment
to their Leaders in the same way a
buyer feels good about his purchase from a Good Salesman.
Persistence - Many Leaders have defied the odds and built a powerful enterprise because of the power of persistence. Persistence is another key success factor that top Sales Professionals have used to close business and thus deliver outstanding results in the same way that Persistent Leaders enroll employees in moving far beyond their comfort zone in order to achieve amazing results.
Leverage - Good Sales Professionals know their product isn’t for everyone so they use leverage to target and reach the people who can benefit the most from their products or services. Leaders also use leverage by identifying the people who can do the most for their organization, including supervisors, teammates, and subordinates.
What Do You Think?
Are Outstanding Leaders
Good Sales People?
Monday, November 5, 2012
Leaders Who Influence Results
Leaders Who Influence Results
by Nancy Allen
So how DO Leaders influence results?
As Tony Robbins explains
in his outstanding Leadership programs, there are Fundamental Human Needs that influence the decisions we make and
thus, the actions that we take. And, if
we know what these human needs are, we can influence
change and empower people to move forward.
I suggest that the only
way leaders can INFLUENCE Positive
Results is to know WHAT INFLUENCES the individuals they serve.
And if you know the top 2 Top Human Needs of each person you
encounter then you have the capacity to influence positive results, FAST!
- Need for Certainty/Comfort – They need to feel stability about their basic necessities. For example, the ability to know that food, shelter and other material resources are available consistently is key for this Human Need.
- Need for Uncertainty/Variety – Variety, surprise, new ideas, etc. is the spice of life for a person with this Human Need. They generally enjoy all kinds of Entertainment, Change in Scenery, International Cuisine, Fresh New Ideas, etc.
- .
- Need for Significance – We all like to feel special, important unique etc. and a person with this Human Need gets significance via recognition from others or from themselves.
- Need for Connection/Love – We all want to feel a connection with someone or something: an ideal, a habit, a sense of identity, a person, etc. This helps us form our identity.
Effective Communication and Quality Questions help Leaders
determine the Top 2 Human Needs that drive the decisions of the people they
serve. And, effective Communication is the catalyst that makes a Good leader
Monday, October 8, 2012
Just Because You Are The Boss…
So the
question remains: Just because you are the
Boss, does that mean you possess an effective
leadership style? And, by the way,
how do YOU define an effective leadership
To answer
this question I wanted to look at a just a few SYMPTOMS of ineffective leadership.
Lack Integrity:
If a leader lacks integrity or character, he/she will be responsible for
his/her own undoing and ultimate failure. This suggests that this type of
leader may major in rationalizing unethical
behavior and may minor in owning a problem
-resolution style.
Poor Communication. Show me a leader with poor
communication skills and I’ll show you someone who may influence confusing
messages, frustrating meetings, low morale and reduced productivity. Top
leaders with excellent communication skills can communicate across all mediums
and environments. Like a radio dial, they can adapt by dialing up or down
because they are Active Listeners and Flexible/Open Thinkers.
Lacking Vision: The Movie, “The Secret” helped to
underscore the importance of having a clear vision which influenced the
right kind of actions that generated results. Tunnel Vision, Poor Vision or Lacking Vision is a good example of the
Blind LEADING the Blind. Thus, a Top
Leader needs “Clear and Achievable Vision” in order to succeed! In addition, he/she needs to communicate his/her vision with conviction and
No Edge: If a Leader
is more concerned about Survival than
Growth he/she has No EDGE. An “Edge” is the essence or culture that sets one Company apart from another in the
form of a fresh, forward thinking, dynamic and innovative initiatives. And, Leaders whose stance is Survival– are
doomed to failure because a static
environment means – “Game Over”.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Are You Giving Up Too Soon?
I’ve noticed that there are 4 basic ways to deal with conflict.
Here are 3 INSPIRATIONAL Tools that might help:
I’d love to hear all about how you THRIVE in Business and Life. Comments are welcome
- Give up
- Put up
- Status Quo - Go back to your normal way of reacting
- Thriving
Here are 3 INSPIRATIONAL Tools that might help:
There are no mistakes.
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Courtesy of Oscar Wilde
When we realize there are no mistakes, we can free ourselves from branding past experiences as negative or wasted. Use your mistakes as a powerful advantage. Learn from them to gain perspective and then take actions that produce different results.
You can re-frame your perspective
Focus on the positive in your life, for what you focus on increases.”
- Taro Gold
- Taro Gold
Think of your life as an academy award winning movie. You are the creator, writer, director, producer, editor and STAR of your life-movie. Become more empowered by watching, responding, rewriting and acting with words that will bring you an Oscar. - Kay Packard
We can reflect on what we learned from our mistakes and turn every perceived botching of our past into a greater bonus for our future. And we can more easily forgive ourselves for our “mistakes” and see them as the inevitable steps toward the future we want to create.
The outer reflects the inner. “Out there” is Really “in here.”
“Your outer world is merely a reflection of your inner world. You are the root; your results are the fruits" - T Harv Eker
As you see your life differently and become freer from the self-defeating thoughts and labels that have kept you down, you’ll start to shed your old habits of seeing yourself in a negative light and you’ll begin to grow your strengths and talents in new ways. You’ll THRIVE!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
I met a Doctor recently who was gifted, brilliant and very effective in helping patients heal. Yet, his reputation was tarnished by his arrogance and over exaggerated sense of self importance.
Despite his multiple degrees, academic accomplishments and ability to help patients heal rapidly, his business was just limping along.

And we only ever have influence over our reputation—never control—as is the case with all things external to us. And a good reputation remains one of our most precious assets (far more important than any career, home, car, or possession)
In addition, a reputation is a fragile thing. It requires constant feeding. Consistency is crucial. For example, if you live up to your reputation 99% of the time but fail to do so 1% of the time, you risk disproportionate reputation damage especially if the person you let down is a highly influential connection in your network. A good reputation is a natural outgrowth of you. This is an on-going journey of self-development and self- awareness.
- You can't stop others from maligning you, but a good reputation can come to your rescue when other members of your network rise to your defense without you even knowing it.
- A good reputation provides you a target at which to keep aiming. Let your good reputation serve as motivation for you to try to improve yourself.
- A good reputation represents a great marketing strategy. When I find a service provider of any kind whose performance outshines their competition, I become their most enthusiastic free sales person because I recommend them enthusiastically to others, and I’m happy to pay them what they're worth.
- A good reputation inspires others. We all need positive role models, even the best and brightest among us.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Yesterday’s Competitor Can Be Today’s Collaborator
As youngsters most of us have all been told to work in pairs for the greater good - but when we enter the business world that mindset often goes away. Working in business can be cut throat and the competition, like you, wants to win. Many businesses have resorted to clever and bold tactics to get ahead, while others find themselves in a 24/7 survival mode, barely making it.
As we have seen, since 2008, the economical and competitive landscape has changed dramatically and this is actually good news because it gives us an opportunity to change too!

In a world where the economy is not at its best, working with another business can open up a world of opportunities. A business that may not have survived on its own before may flourish today when collaborating with another.
When a team is at a crossroads wrestling with a problem they cannot fix then collaboration may be the best choice. Having more people in the same company with different skills and new perspectives brings about more ideas and insight into problems that in the past may have been difficult to solve. Even issues that seem to have no rhyme or reason can be helped when more teams collaborate together.
Collaboration means having more resources to help find solutions, opening you up for business growth and new potential partners. The benefits of collaboration are huge and can possibly save a company.
How have you Collaborated with other Teams and other Companies this year?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Are You A Pessimistic Leader?
Optimism has a great power on one's mindset and abilities as a leader. For optimum business growth, a leader who empowers his team with uplifting thoughts and words is highly valued.
Thinking positively will affect the work ethic of one's peers and direct reports and ultimately create an energy or foundation where great relationships and results abound.
An optimistic leader will see the upside to most situations, and will work to solve problems instead of letting problems be a source of decreasing self-esteem. And yet, pessimistic leaders can be quite prevalent in the work place.
Pessimists generally view everything negatively and expect to fail at everything they do. The expectation of failure will inevitably deliver failure. Most pessimists expect bad things to happen, and find their expectations validated when these bad things do happen.
There are several ways to spot pessimism in a leader. The easiest way is to analyze their perspective on things:
If a leader of a specific group outlines a project with the expectation of failure, instead of empowering his peers with the thoughts of success, then the leader is most likely a pessimist.
If things do not go as planned and the leader does not use it as an opportunity to learn, but instead behaves as if the failure was to be expected, then you most likely have a pessimist.
Working with a pessimist will most likely decrease overall moral. To get over this, it is best to follow the pessimists leadership, but NOT the pessimists overall attitude or perspective toward life.
Insights into the leadership style as it relates to communication is a key bridge to empowering effective change and transformation, particularly with the Pessimistic Leader! This is where awareness + adaptation can take your leaders over the pessimistic fence and into the arena of meaningful change, enhanced loyalty and greater productivity!
Click here to see if your leaders are unintentionally sending out the wrong message!
Thinking positively will affect the work ethic of one's peers and direct reports and ultimately create an energy or foundation where great relationships and results abound.
An optimistic leader will see the upside to most situations, and will work to solve problems instead of letting problems be a source of decreasing self-esteem. And yet, pessimistic leaders can be quite prevalent in the work place.
Pessimists generally view everything negatively and expect to fail at everything they do. The expectation of failure will inevitably deliver failure. Most pessimists expect bad things to happen, and find their expectations validated when these bad things do happen.
There are several ways to spot pessimism in a leader. The easiest way is to analyze their perspective on things:
If a leader of a specific group outlines a project with the expectation of failure, instead of empowering his peers with the thoughts of success, then the leader is most likely a pessimist.
If things do not go as planned and the leader does not use it as an opportunity to learn, but instead behaves as if the failure was to be expected, then you most likely have a pessimist.
Working with a pessimist will most likely decrease overall moral. To get over this, it is best to follow the pessimists leadership, but NOT the pessimists overall attitude or perspective toward life.
Insights into the leadership style as it relates to communication is a key bridge to empowering effective change and transformation, particularly with the Pessimistic Leader! This is where awareness + adaptation can take your leaders over the pessimistic fence and into the arena of meaningful change, enhanced loyalty and greater productivity!
Click here to see if your leaders are unintentionally sending out the wrong message!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
How do You Define Leadership?
The “Best Leaders” have the capacity and vision to see a challenge ahead of them and they prepare to meet it, or even beat it, even before it happens. Top Leaders are proactive and results oriented.
Most of us don't live this way. Instead we react to problems as they come up and then find ourselves so buried in immediate needs that we can't focus on the future.

Nancy Allen, CEO of Impact Training & Development
Leaders Leave Clues
- True Leaders are humble as they exercise their power and influence.
- Top Leaders make values and integrity a top priority while focusing on the well-being of their employees
- Basically, there are two types of approaches that Leaders take: Those who constantly see problems without offering solutions and those who communicate the issues at hand and offer solutions, while empowering employees to contribute and engage in the ownership of the solution. How refreshing! How important! This is the Leaders Edge.
- When disagreements are necessary, the Best Leaders are gentle yet firm.
- Their commitment to serve in order to lead is the game changer that drives Top Leaders.
With the challenges that Leaders have in today’s new economy and unique workforce, it is crucial to have Coaching Programs and Communication Assessments (like DiSC) in place, as an integral part of their Company Culture.
To learn more about our Effective Leadership Programs or how your company can use DiSC Assessments to succeed
Contact Nancy Allen 770-449-5350 or email: Impactdev(at)
Are you an Effective Leader?

Most of us don't live this way. Instead we react to problems as they come up and then find ourselves so buried in immediate needs that we can't focus on the future.
Here are a few strengths that Top Leaders share.
- True Leaders are humble as they exercise their power and influence.
- When disagreements are necessary, the Best Leaders are gentle yet firm.
- Their commitment to serve in order to lead effectively is what drives Top Leaders.
- Top Leaders make values and integrity his or her priority while focusing on the well-being of the members of the team.
- In general there are two types of people in the world: those who constantly view problems without offering solutions and those who communicate the issues at hand and offer solutions, while empowering employees to contribute, problem-solve and engage in the ownership of the solution.

With the challenges that Leaders have in today’s economy and diverse workforce, it is crucial to have Coaching Programs and Communication Assessments (like DiSC) in place, as an integral part of their Company Culture.
To Learn more about our Effective Leadership Programs - Contact Nancy Allen for details: 770- 449-5350 or email: Impactdev(at)
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